Mother’s Day Gift Idea
I hope all the mamas out there, exhausted or otherwise, had a Happy Mother’s Day.
In honor of today, I thought I would share the gift I made for my mom (and I plan on making for my dad as well, for Father’s Day).
I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures on Pinterest of the cute little Polaroid magnets because even though I don’t spend a whole lot of time over there, they came up multiple times while I was searching for Mother’s Day ideas. Unfortunately, the pin I saw the most was by Sundaesins and although she links to a template she made, no one seems to be able to download it, myself included.
Well, I kept looking and I came across a pin that took me to the website Mama Say What where there is a lovely template and instructions on how to make them. There are also wonderful, simple instructions to follow. I do have to admit it took me a bit to figure out what I was doing, but that was due to my own lack of familiarity with Photoshop Elements. Once I figured it out though, it went pretty quickly.
As I was making these the night before, I didn’t have everything on hand that was suggested so made do with what I had and recycled some old magnets. This is what I used.
- framing mat board
- free magnets
- 8 ½ x 11 photo paper
- rotary cutter, rotary cutting mat and Omnigrid ruler (used for quilting)
- Aleene’s Tacky Glue
- emery board (if there are any rough edges that need smoothing out)
With my approach there are no noxious fumes. You do have to put a good amount of the Tacky Glue on though and make sure to spread it around evenly and have it cover the entire area you’ll be putting the photo paper. I went the simple route and just used my finger for this. The Tacky Glue washes off with water. I then placed it under a heavy box to make sure it didn’t have any lumpy areas. Once dry, I cut and glued the magnets on the back.
The finished magnets were a big success! What mother/grandmother doesn’t love pictures of their kids/grandkids?
Happy crafting!