4 Easy Ways to Find Balance in Life
Balance in life is more than getting everything on your to-do list done. After a near-death experience, these four things helped me find balance.
Holiday Self-Care Gift Guide for Moms
Looking for a self-care treat and gifts for all your kids that will create time to focus on you? This Mom’s Self-Care Gift Guide is for you.
Gabb Z2 Phone Review
The Gabb Z2 phone allows my daughter to stay connected with her friends and has all of the options we decided were important for her phone.
3 Halloween Alternatives to Trick-or-Treating
This year Halloween will look a little different thanks to COVID. We won’t be trick-or-treating, and the Switch Witch won’t be visiting. But that doesn’t mean we won’t be celebrating. Even though we won’t have an abundance of candy to get rid of, we’ve decided we’re still holding true to Halloween. That means candy. To keep your fun, candy-filled evening with your family this year, try these three Halloween alternatives to trick-or-treating that we’ll be doing. 3 Ways to Celebrate Halloween without Trick-or-Treating 1. Candy Hunt It’s not Halloween if your kids aren’t collecting candy in their pails. So have them collect, just change the location. Instead of going house…
Take a Deep Breath to Survive the School Year
“Take a deep breath.” I was told this a few times when the realities of this school year hit me. Admittedly, I needed to hear it—I was freaking out a bit. (I’m homeschooling my seventh grader even though that wasn't our plan, and I was feeling very overwhelmed.) After taking the advice and a few deep breaths, I got to work figuring out my curriculum and then how I’m going to survive the school year. I realized it boils down to six things anyone can do and I’m already doing.
Waldorf Homeschooling Options
So many new things at the moment. And it all revolves around Waldorf homeschooling. Homeschooling! I’m trying my hardest not to run and hide in the closet or pull a book off the shelf and get lost in a story.
Book Review—365 Days of Happiness
If you’re open to new ideas, Jacqueline Pirtle’s 365 Days of Happiness may be a fun way to become a happier person every day of the year.
Product Review—House of Matriarch Perfume
Self-care doesn't have to take long. It can be as simple as putting on some perfume. Click here for a link to some great perfume and a coupon code.
Summer Word Search Fun
My oldest has been making a notebook filled with math worksheets and other things in preparation for the summer trips we’ve been planning. She'll be able to keep herself busy while also practicing everything she learned this past year. (Essentially, she's created a notebook of things to avoid the “summer slide.”)
Book Review—It’s Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health
How to Talk with Your Child about Sex Do you have an older child or teen? Have you talked with them about puberty and sex yet? I didn’t think the puberty talk was that bad. Really, it was a series of smaller talks as I’ve always been very open with my girls, from a young age, about menstruation and the changes that happen during puberty. (You kind of have to be when they follow you into the bathroom as a toddler.) I also signed my oldest daughter up for a class through her school with some of her peers that helped make sure all the bases were covered as far…