Take a Deep Breath to Survive the School Year
“Take a deep breath.” I was told this a few times when the realities of this school year hit me. Admittedly, I needed to hear it—I was freaking out a bit. (I’m homeschooling my seventh grader even though that wasn't our plan, and I was feeling very overwhelmed.) After taking the advice and a few deep breaths, I got to work figuring out my curriculum and then how I’m going to survive the school year. I realized it boils down to six things anyone can do and I’m already doing.
Why Self-Care Is So Important
We all want to be the best parents we can be. It’s all too easy, though, to get lost along the way, running from one activity to another, cooking dinner, washing laundry, cleaning the house, working, and spending time with your family. We can easily forget who we are as a person and what we need in this daily rush. I know I fell into this after having kids. I became a mother, and only a mother, for more years than I’d like to admit, and nothing else. Worst of all, forgetting who I was started affecting how I parented. I found myself yelling more and having less patience. I…